New configuration option for streamlined document completion (v.25)

In v.25, we’re speeding up Available to promise (ATP) calculations with a new configuration option: "/Documents/AllowCompleteWithSubdocumentsIncludingUnreleased".

Available exclusively on the Desktop client, this feature enhances workflow flexibility. When activated, it adds to state Complete a second option: "2. Complete with sub-documents, including unreleased". This allows users to complete the main document and its child documents, even if the child documents haven’t reached the released state.


As a result, all documents adopt the Complete state.


Find instructions to set up configuration option #64 here: Configuration Options Reference.


By default, this second option was previously available under the Complete state but should be used with caution and only in rare cases. It was removed to avoid misuse. However, the configuration key now provides controlled access to this functionality, enabling completion of all documents, even unreleased.

By enabling this option, users can accelerate document flow, ensuring the Available-to-promise (ATP) calculation is completed efficiently, improving planning accuracy and operational agility.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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