Domain API: New view – InvoiceOrderLinesUnfulfilledView (v.24)

In version 24, we are introducing a new Domain API view – InvoiceOrderLinesUnfulfilledView.

The view returns the uninvoiced (unfulfilled) Invoice Order Lines from the released Invoice Orders, similar to the "Create Invoices" functional navigator found in the program’s UI.

With this view, you can retrieve information about the line amounts and quantities from the invoice order lines that have not yet been invoiced.

In order to return specific records, you can filter the data using the view’s fields as well as all the attributes of Invoice Orders and Invoice Order Lines entities, since Invoice Order and Invoice Order Line fields are filterable references.

Lines that appear fulfilled can be excluded from the query results by filtering on the IsFulfilled and IsQuantityFulfilled fields. However, please note that such filtering will force a full scan and calculation of remaining quantities and amounts for all non-finished invoice orders. For better performance, the invoice orders should be finished after fulfilling.

For more details on the new view, please refer to our documentation.

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