WMS: LOG0209 Create Warehouse Requisitions for further execution (manual generation only) (v.24)

In version 24, we made a new Generation for further execution of Store Orders.

Managing a warehouse is a challenge. Sometimes, you don't have enough stock to fulfill all orders, or your supplier sends less than expected. When this happens, complete your Warehouse Order with the quantities you have. This ensures accurate inventory levels and keeps operations smooth, even in the face of shortages.

Once you receive the missing quantities, our New Generation system makes it easy to fulfill the incomplete orders. You can seamlessly update and execute the remaining items, ensuring all orders are completed efficiently and accurately. This enhances overall productivity and ensures seamless operations.

More about it in the technical guide: | ERP.net Tech Docs
More about document types and document flow recommendations: | ERP.net Tech Docs   
The Generation definition: LOG0209 Create Warehouse Requisitions for further execution (manual generation only) | ERP.net Domain Model

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