Being able to perform an efficient search is crucial for daily operations.
In this article, we focus on searching by number, which is a key feature of the ERP system. It works well when searching with short numbers or when you know the beginning of the number. However, performing searches within the document number (substring searches) can slow things down as the dataset grows. To improve performance, the ability to search within the number has been removed.
How the search works
Generally, the search uses a search mask, which is a pattern for finding documents. The search mask may include special characters that match a variety of possible values, offering flexible search options.
By default, document searches are done using the DocumentNo field. The search will show
the first 10 documents in reverse chronological order (sorted by Document_Date) for the selected enterprise company, where the document is not voided or adjusted, and the Document_No matches the mask.
Search format and logic
The search format follows this pattern: "X Y" where X and Y are sequences of characters, and spaces or percentage signs are excluded.
How it works:
- If X contains one or more characters, the system will search for documents that start with X.
- It considers numbers with leading zeros (up to 9 zeros)
- Can match document numbers up to 12 characters.
- Searches starting with a space (' X') behave similarly.
- 13-character document numbers won’t show unless you enter the full number.
Example search: searching for "10" (or ' '10) will return:
- 10
- 10345
- 100006789234 (up to 12 characters)
- 000000000108 (up to 9 leading zeros)
- 00010
However, it will not return:
- 43104 (because "10" isn’t at the start)
Using the 'X Y' format
When you use the X Y format, the system will find documents that start with X, followed by the significant part Y, automatically filling zeros in between. Thus we build our search string in advance, as we may not know how many zeros are in between.
Example search: searching for "1 25" will return:
- 125
- 10025123
- 1000255
- 10025
- 12508325
It will not return:
- 1250832548457 (over the limit of 12 characters)
- 0123256, 102254, 104025, 10001251, А100251 (don't match the required pattern)
Global search in WinClient - general features
Global search looks in multiple tables, including Documents, Parties, Products, Product Codes, Object Files, and Folders. Here’s how it works:
- Documents: except by DocumentNo, a search by Party_Name returns the first 10 documents in reverse chronological order (by Document_Date) for the selected enterprise company, where the To_Party’s Party_Name matches the search mask;
- Parties: The first 10 records from Gen_Parties where the Party_Name + Party.Company.Registration_Number matches the search mask;
- Products: The first 10 records from Gen_Products:
- The Part_Number is searched by starting with the search mask;
- The Product_Name is searched across the entire string.
- Product Codes: The first 10 records from Gen_Product_Codes where Product_Code matches the search mask by starting with the value;
- Object Files: The first 10 records from Sys_Object_Files where File_Name matches the search mask;
- Folders: The first 10 records from Gen_Folders where Folder_Name matches the search mask.
- Searches are limited to 12-character-long document numbers;
- Using the 'X Y' format allows structured searching with automatic zero filling;
- Global search follows specific steps for document, party, product, and file searches;
- Returns the first 10 documents in reverse chronological order.
By understanding these search rules, users can efficiently locate documents using the ERP platform.