NOTIFYUSER and FormattedString – user business rule can now send personalized user notifications (v.2020.1)

In 2020.1 we have an entirely new Notifications system. The new system is introduced as a part of the Social Interactions module but can be used by internal, external apps and even user business rules.

Yes, you got that right – we have a brand new user business rule action NOTIFYUSER which can create notifications. We can now automatically send highly personalized user notifications when a particular event occurs in the system.

But here is the best part -  NOTIFYUSER comes in a bundle with a new user business rule action type – FormattedString. Thanks to the FormattedString we can now format the text of all business rule actions using multi-line, domain attributes in text (aka variable interpolation) and format specifiers.

Note that in 2020.1 the Notifications system support only in-app notifications.


You can read the details about NOTIFYUSER and FormattedString in our official documentation:


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