Simplified Version Numbering

Major version spelling

From now on, the documentation and some other documents might use simplified version numbering. Internally, the versions will still be the same. But the docs and blogs might skip some unnecessary chars to simplify the writing and reading of version numbers.

Currently, the version numbers are based on the year and release number within the year:

v. 2018.1 - first release for the year 2018

v. 2018.2 - second release for the year 2018

v. 2019.1 - first (and only) release for the year 2019

v. 2020.1 - first release for the year 2020


From now on, the docs might use the following simplified numbering scheme:

v. 18 - first release for the year 2018

v. 18.2 - second release for 2018

v. 19, 20, 21 - first release for the respective year


In essence, the simplified version number will drop the leading "20" and will not put number to the first release each year. When there is only one version per year (as it is most years), the versions will stay very simple two digit number.

The simplification makes it easier to differentiate between the versions. For example, it is a bit of a strain to the eyes to differentiate between "2020.1" and "2021.1". If the numbers are just "20" and "21" it is much easier.

The simplified versioning will be used mostly in places, where it is obvious that the number is a version number. When there is ambiguity, full version numbers will be preferred, because 2020.1 is easier to decipher as version number. The other way is to put "v. " in front of the version, like "v. 20" or "v.20" or "v20".

Build number spelling

Up until now, the build (revision) numbers, different from .0 were spelled as the NEXT service pack level.

For example, this was the previous situation: => "20 SP1" => "20 SP2 (1.3)" => "20 SP2"

The idea was that revision .3 of SP1 will actually be included in SP2, so 1.3 was spelled as SP2.

From now on, service pack and revision numbers will come directly from the version number.

For example: => "20 SP1" => "20 SP1 (Rev.3)" => "20 SP2"


NOTE: The change is important mostly for internal/partner testing, as end-clients only receive final, tested service packs.

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