Improved Exec Stats (2019.1)

In v.2019.1, the Exec Stats have been improved a lot. The Exec Stats is the feature, which can be used to track the load and speed of processing of various server components.

The improvements are:

1. There are much more exec stats, which are tracked now

- Insert/Update procedures

- Document state changes

- Business Rules and Calculated Attributes are now tracked for all user invoked navigators (previosly, they were calculated only for events)

- Server Calls - this is the total time, which was spend by the server, processing requests

- Data Source - this is the time, which was consumed by user-defined data source queries

- Document Generations - this is the time consumed when a document generates another document



2. The Exec Stats are now grouped by Application

This allows easy tracking of the time consumed by each application. With many external applications accessing the ERP server and consuming resources, this is a must.


3. The Exec Stats are now accessible from the Windows Desktop Client


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