Webhooks support (v.22)

The adoption of Webhooks in ERP.net is a big step towards increasing the system's ability to communicate with external systems in real time.

What's a webhook?

In fact, webhook is a very simple thing. This is just an HTTP POST request. That's is.

But... this is the literal definition. In practice the webhooks are used as custom callbacks. These callbacks are triggered when a specific event occurs.

In the context of ERP.net, such a "specific event" is the event, defined in a user business rule. You may have already guessed- if a user business rule executes it will trigger its corresponding webhook (if set up).

Use cases

The introduction of webhooks reveals a wide variety of use cases. Some brief examples of such:

  • Real time custom data synchronization with external systems.
  • Ability to implement more complex real time business logic from external applications.
  • Integration with external BPM platform orchestrators.
  • Real time message sending to message brokers such as Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ.
  • External logging or chat services as Slack, Graylog.
  • Issue and project tracking systems- create issues in Jira or cards in a Trello list.


  • You need bare integration or just a simple messaging to an external service?
  • OK, find its REST API.
  • Done? Create the webhook templates you need in ERP.net.
  • Now, create their corresponding user business rules, so they can trigger.
  • Done. All set.
  • Yes. It's that simple.


Here are some cool real-world examples of integration with popular services:

Send a message to Azure Service Bus

Create a card in Trello

Send a message in a channel in Slack


More information and examples are available in our official documentation:



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