Change in the way we maintain the Product Groups tree (v.22, breaking change)

With version 2022 a change was implemented in the way the hierarchical structure of the Product Groups tree is being set. The goal is to eliminate the problems we've seen happen when changing a group name if the group is also a parent group. With this change we aim for more reliable interaction with the whole Product Groups tree.

The change is implemented by adding a reference to the parent group (a ParentGroup field) and changing the attribute used for populating the FullPath and Parent fields.

Going forward we will be using a new Code attribute which has unique values and is not a multilanguage string, instead of the previously used Name attribute.

The leading attribute when working with the Product Groups tree will be ParentGroup while keeping the FullPath and Parent attributes, although the Parent field will be marked as Оbsolete. This helps us make sure that external applications will keep functioning properly and make the work of their developers easier by giving them time to make the necessary internal changes for the transition to the new way of's operation.

We still completely support the old way of operations with the hierarchical structure - a change in the Parent field automatically changes the ParentGroup field which in turn updates the FullPath. On the other hand, changing the ParentGroup updates the Parent and FullPath fields respectively.

When switching to version 2022 the old table is automatically updated and enhanced (the Name field will be replaced by Code in the Parent and FullPath attributes, and the ParentGroup will receive its initial value linking it to the parent group).

More information on the ParentGroup entity and the mentioned attributes you can find here:

In case of any further questions, do not hesitate to get back to us!

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