Global Search improvements in v2022 - search by file or folder name

In version 2022, you can now search by file name or folder name. The visualization of the results is also improved as the results are grouped by the folder they belong to. 

If you select any file in the search results, the system will open the object that the particular file is attached to. 




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  • 0
    Mariya Savova [Mania/M Holding].

    Congratulations on the improvements!

    Is it possible to provide information about possibilities:

    - to speed up Global Search performance (for example: mark not used Products with Active=False).

    - to exclude some objects or group of objects from Global Search functionality for better performance (for example: exclude Products from Global Search)

    It will be very useful to publish search filters of each group (for example: Products: Enterprise Company = current enterprise company or is empty; Documents: Voided = False etc.)

    Thank you in advance.

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