Interpolated string builder (v.23)

Have you ever had to set up an interpolated string in For example when you want to configure a web panel or set the DisplayTextFormat for some entities?

And let me guess. While you're doing it you have the model and string interpolation documentation open all the time, right?

We have to admit, this isn't the most convenient way to do it.

Well, that's no longer necessary because starting from version 2023 we have a brand new and shiny visual interpolated string builder.

Yes, setting up an interpolated string is now a piece of cake - you just need to open the builder and with a few clicks your string is ready.

Enough, here's what it looks like:


There're several sections,

The first one where you interpolated string is located. The input is editable, so you can manually add or edit whatever you need.


The tree

As a matter of fact, the essence of the interpolated string builder is its tree. It contains all the available attributes, references and system variables in the context of the opened entity.


It's a tree after all. We call it a tree not just because we've grouped the attributes into different sections, but because you can expand and "follow" all the references as you wish. By expanding any reference, you'll see all the attributes for that object, as well as its references, and the references of its references, etc. :)



If you know the name (or at least part of it) of something you're looking for, you can use the search bar. The tree will be filtered and only show the matching results.


Set up

The most important part- how to add an attribute? Just hit the "Add" button and the attribute with its exact format and expression path will be appended at the end in the interpolated string input.



Where to find it?

Anywhere an input field supports an interpolated string. A button will appear to its right.

E.g., when setting up a web view URL,

My apps - Web view

or DisplayTextFormat for an entity,



More information is available in our official documentation:

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