To Do tasks management in our web client (v.23)

Under the My section of the web client's main menu, you will find the option to easily organize your tasks in a To Do list:




The tasks can optionally have a reminder and a due date. 

Once you create a task, you can open its details with the three dots on the right. In the detailed view of the task you will be able to change its status or edit some other field. The possible states of a task are:

  • New
  • In progress
  • Waiting
  • Completed

The different tasks will visualize in the UI grouped by these status categories.

There is an option for Group To-Dos as well. The respective tab in the Groups section of the system will visualize all the To-Dos for the group with the options to create, edit, and delete them.
Stay tuned for more UI improvements!
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