Replenishing a store with necessary product quantities for “Work Orders” (v.23)

In version 23, we’ve added a new feature in the Web Client – “Suggest replenish”. When users issue work orders, this will allow them to automatically generate lines for replenishing product quantities in the specific store that they’ve chosen. If the quantity is below a certain number, it will be increased until it reaches a maximum inventory base.

For quantity replenishment to work as expected, a specific product supply must be defined before issuing a work order.


Users need to go through each field carefully in order to enable automatic replenishing for product quantities later. Even a single mistake could undermine the feature.

Extra attention must be paid to defining the correct:

• procurement type (Make)
• generate document type (Production Order)
• store (for which a replenishment will be made)
• manufacturing policy (MTS – Make-To-Stock)

Once the product supply is saved, a new work order (production order) can be created from the Production -> Shop Floor module or an existing one can be opened. The status of the order should remain New, or in some cases – Firm planned.

In addition, the requested output store and materials store must be matched by the ones defined in the product supply.

The Suggest replenish feature is accessible from within an existing production order document. When applied, it will make an analysis of the store’s current product availabilities and generate quantities for delivery.


If the work order has lines, they will be removed and new ones will be automatically generated for suggested product quantity replenishing.

With the help of Suggest replenish, in just a few steps, you can restore low product quantities to their base amounts while issuing your work orders!

Find more information on this new functionality here.

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