New Date and time formatting according to ISO 8601 (v.23)

In the Web Client, we standardize the use of dates and times according to the International Standard for the representation of dates and times ISO 8601, in particular the specialized RFC 3339 and W3C note on date/time.

For navigators and data edit forms, format for viewing and editing the date fields is as follows:

  1.  Dates: "2022-08-15"
  2.  Date/time: "2022-08-15 13:15"
  3.  Time only: "13:15"
  4.  Date/time UTC: "2022-08-15 13:15Z"

In version 23, we’ve also implemented easy text filtering for dates.

For example, if you want to filter by year, just type “2023” in the filter raw. If you type "2023-04", filtering will be by month.



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